Tips for boosting low metabolism

Tips for boosting low metabolism

Aaron Walker

Metabolism encompasses the chemical processes occurring within your body as it converts food and beverages into energy. It is a complex process and combines oxygen and calories to build and yield energy for everyday functioning. The metabolic process never stops, even while the body is at rest; however, a lowered metabolic rate affects functions like digesting food, breathing, regulating body temperature, managing hormone levels, repairing and growing cells, and circulating blood.

Types of metabolism
Every person’s body conducts metabolism functions differently. Broadly, it can be classified into three distinct types or somatotypes. These types, namely ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph, influence how individuals store, employ, and convert energy obtained from food. Each type has unique characteristics, which is why some people have a slow or low metabolism rate while others have a high one. You can find an online quiz verified by health professionals to learn about your metabolism type, but what if the quiz results classify you in the low category? Fret not. There are some ways to boost your low metabolism. Read below as we discuss them.

Tips to boost your low metabolism

Build muscle
Your body burns calories constantly, even when at rest doing nothing. However, this resting metabolic rate is substantially higher in people with greater muscle mass. Every muscle pound employs approximately six calories a day to sustain itself, whereas each fat pound burns only two calories daily. This minute difference can add up every time. You trigger the muscles across the body after an exercise session involving strength training. It amplifies your daily average metabolic rate.

Aerobic exercises
While aerobic exercises do not build bulky muscles, they speed up your metabolism in the hours following the workout. The idea is to push yourself more. Indulging in a high-intensity exercise can be a good technique, as it yields a longer and bigger spike in resting metabolic rate than moderate or low-intensity workouts. You can opt for a more intense gym class or include short jogging bursts during your regular walk.

Drink more water
People who prefer water over sugary drinks have a faster metabolic rate than those who do not. Your body requires water to effectively metabolize calories. Therefore, even a slight state of dehydration can cause a slowdown in your metabolism. Research indicates that individuals who consume eight or more glasses of water burn a greater number of calories compared to those who only drink four glasses. You can drink an unsweetened beverage or a glass of water before every snack or meal. Further, snacking on fresh veggies and fruits that naturally contain water over items like chips and pretzels is best.

Eat at regular times
Our body thrives on regularity and balance. Following a regular meal pattern helps improve circadian rhythms, boosts the body’s natural ability to endure stress, helps manage gut flora (healthy bacteria that keep the gut healthy), and decreases inflammation. Hence, for maximum health benefits and to boost your metabolism, you must:

Start your day with breakfast
Prioritize early consumption of energy-providing foods
Maintain regular meal times, typically two to three per day
Incorporate fasting periods into your routine

Stand up more
Studies suggest that sitting too much can also negatively impact your health. It is because extended periods of sitting lead to fewer calorie loss. Stepping or standing at work for short durations to reduce the time you spend sitting down can be an excellent way to boost your slow metabolism naturally. You can also invest in a standing desk or go for walks during the day.

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