Reproductive health – Common issues and fertility-boosting exercises

Reproductive health – Common issues and fertility-boosting exercises

Susan Baker

The importance of reproductive health is often neglected in overall health and wellness. Many people only become aware and concerned about this aspect of their bodies when they experience reproductive health problems. As a result, issues like infertility, menstrual disorders, and fibroids are prevalent among individuals. However, one can maintain good reproductive health by incorporating specific exercises into their routine. Below are some common reproductive health issues and beneficial exercises to consider.

Reproductive health issues
Here are some of the most common reproductive health disorders men and women face across the country:

Uterine fibroids
Women with uterine fibroids have tumors made up of muscle cells and tissues in and around the wall of their uterus. These tumors are benign and do not outwardly show any signs or symptoms. However, they cannot be ignored as fibroids become painful for women during heavy periods. Also, one tends to have abdominal bloating when they have this condition. If left untreated, fibroids can cause major reproductive health issues such as infertility and miscarriages in women.

Menstrual disorders
Hormonal imbalances and other issues tend to cause menstrual disorders in women. Some of the symptoms of such disorders are an absence of menstruation, fibroids, prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), or lighter menstruation than normal.

Male infertility
Male infertility is marked by low sperm production and abnormalities in sperm functioning. Additionally, men with fertility issues may also face blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm into its intended destination, the female egg. Infertility has many reasons, including injuries, chronic health problems, illnesses, and certain lifestyle choices.

Exercises to boost fertility
Some of the best exercises to help increase the chances of conceiving are:

Uttana Shishosana (Extended puppy pose)
As the name suggests, this pose involves crouching down on all fours (also known as the tabletop position). The shoulders should be above one’s wrist and the hips above the knees. In this pose, one needs to inhale and extend their arms by walking their hands forward by some inches. Then, one must spread their fingers and push their palms into the mat. All this is done while keeping the arms engaged with the elbows away from the floor. Press the tailbone towards the ceiling and lower the forehead to the mat while stretching one’s back and lengthening the spine. After holding this pose for 30 seconds to a minute, people can exhale and walk back to all fours. This exercise needs to be repeated three to five times.

This exercise stimulates one’s sexual and reproductive organs if done regularly.

As simple as it is, walking is also an incredibly effective exercise when it comes to boosting one’s fertility. Walking involves every single part and limb of the body. In this way, it makes blood circulation faster. When blood and nutrition reach the right areas of one’s body, their fertility eventually improves.

Pilates is similar to yoga in terms of the exercises and the fertility benefits. This is a set of exercises that improves fertility and reduces cortisol (a stress-related hormone that impairs fertility) production. This automatically enhances one’s fertility to a great extent.

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