Health benefits and side effects of consuming saffron

Health benefits and side effects of consuming saffron

Susan Baker

Saffron is a spice obtained from the plant called Crocussativus plant. It is mainly cultivated in Iran and harvested by hand. The flower’s dried-up, thread-like stigma and style form the spice, which is used in food coloring and seasoning. To produce one single pound of saffron, over 75000 saffron blossoms are used, making it one of the costliest spices in the world. Discover its health benefits, usage methods, precautions, and possible side effects.

Health Benefits
Here we have compiled a list of the health benefits that saffron offers:

Provides powerful antioxidants
It protects your cells against oxidative stress and free radicals.
Improves mood by treating depressive symptoms
Nicknamed the ‘sunshine spice’; it can work as a natural remedy for helping with mild-to-moderate depression.
Potential cancer-fighting properties
Studies show its compounds can help selectively eliminate cancerous cells from the colon, skin, prostate gland, bone marrow, breast, lung, and cervix or suppress their growth.
Reduction of Post Menstrual Symptoms
Saffron relieves headaches, irritability, cravings, and pain.
Aphrodisiac-like properties
It improves libido, and erectile function.
Aids in body weight control by reducing appetite
It helps reduce body mass index, total fat mass, and even waist circumference.

Some clinical studies on animals regarding the health impact of saffron indicate the following potential benefits.

The antioxidants in saffron may help lower blood cholesterol. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack.
It may bring down blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
Its antioxidant content may help improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients.

The various uses of saffron include:

Saffron is an ingredient in many dishes. It adds color, provides aroma, and imparts taste to food. The spice is also used in confectioneries.
Especially in Europe, saffron threads are seen as a key ingredient in crocinum, an aromatic oil. It is used in perfumes intended for hair.
It is used as a fabric dye. Producing a yellow-orange tint, saffron dyes are known to make fabrics take up increasingly rich red color shades depending on the amount used.

Saffron consumption, like any other substance, has its limitations and dangers. So, naturally, there are several precautions to be taken while taking it by mouth or applying it to the skin.

A dose of 5 grams or more can be harmful.
Pregnant women should avoid high doses of saffron, as it can cause miscarriages.
Saffron supplementation should be taken only after consultation with a healthcare professional.
Purchase saffron only from reputable sources to avoid any adulterations with ingredients like paprika, beet, turmeric, and red-dyed silk fibers.
Consume saffron as a remedy only up to 100 mg daily doses for as long as 26 weeks. Having it in larger quantities than this might have some unexpected side effects.
If one has bipolar disorder, saffron might trigger excitability and impulsive behavior.
People with allergies to Olea (including olive), Lolium, and Salsola plant species should be careful while consuming saffron.

Side Effects
Some individuals who consume saffron may experience various side effects of the spice. These are associated with the quality and quantity of the spice taken. It includes:

Stomach problems
Allergic reactions
Possible overdose poisoning
A high dosage might be risky for certain people
Stimulating effect on the uterus that might harm pregnant women

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