Call center software – Pros, features, and top options

Call center software – Pros, features, and top options

Aaron Walker

Serving as the first and direct point of contact for consumers, call centers are crucial in establishing and maintaining customer relations for brands and companies. But with hundreds of queries, follow-ups, and internal discussions to handle, call center executives are often overburdened. Fortunately, the evolution of call center technology and software has greatly reduced time and effort for call center executives today. Also, being scalable and user-oriented, cutting-edge software platforms continue to evolve.

Benefits of a call center software platform

1. Increased workplace efficiency
Customer-care executives at call centers usually have to perform several mundane tasks that take up significant time while adding no value to their jobs. Installing call center software makes it easier for executives to handle tasks like setting up appointments, generating tickets, transferring cold calls, and redirecting customers to relevant departments. This way, executives are better able to focus on more meaningful tasks and advance in their careers.

2. Enhanced customer experience
Many customers hesitate to call companies to resolve their queries because of the automated response, “Your call is important to us—please stay on the line.” Providing customers with immediate help reassures them that the company is genuine and customer-centered. Call center software applications work 24/7 to ensure that no customer query goes unanswered, even if all representatives are busy at the moment.

3. Cost-effectiveness and increased sales
Another essential feature of call center software systems is that they reduce costs considerably in the long run while directing and redirecting traffic to the brand. This is because top-notch customer service motivates customers to invest in the brand and its products or services repeatedly. An increase in repeat customers means more revenue for the brand and higher sales turnovers. Also, companies don’t need to hire employees for mundane tasks that can be automated by a call center software platform, which further reduces costs.

4. Enhanced brand reputation
The best part about good customer service is that the news spreads quite quickly. Just as customers tend to recommend superior-quality products and services, they often recommend brands with efficient customer service strategies. So, availing of a call center software application can help manage a brand’s reputation and image effectively.

Features of a call center software platform

1. SMS tracking
This feature allows call center executives to track text messages and determine which ones can be automated. This reduces customer-care employees’ manual tasks while ensuring timely message responses to customers.

2. Voice transcription
Transcribing calls and online chats with customers helps with quality control and allows for quick reference to a conversation if necessary. Call center software platforms can help with accurate and quick voice transcription.

3. Automatic call redirection
Queuing up of calls is a common challenge for customer-care representatives. With automatic call distribution, these calls are automatically redirected only to agents who are free at the moment. Also, one can preset the activity based on factors like the location and time of the call.

Leading call center platforms
Choosing a call center software platform should be based on the application’s reputation, cost, features, etc.

– Zendesk
– Twilio Flex
– Talkdesk
– Five9
– LiveAgent
– RingCentral
– CloudTalk

Before shortlisting a call center software application, one should thoroughly compare different software systems and check their offerings, prices, packages, customer service, etc. It’s also best to devote sufficient time to creating a budget range for the application.

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