Atopic dermatitis – Symptoms, triggers, and management

Atopic dermatitis – Symptoms, triggers, and management

Aaron Walker

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes inflammation, itchiness, and rashes. Also known as eczema, this skin disease usually develops during early childhood and tends to appear and disappear intermittently throughout life. Atopic dermatitis does not have a cure, but its symptoms can be managed. Although not contagious, the irritation and discomfort can interfere with daily routine. So, here is what one should know to better manage the condition.

Eczema usually affects the hands, crooks of the elbows, backs of the knees, face, and scalp. The signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis can vary from person to person, ranging from mild to severe. The common symptoms are:

Dry and itchy skin: Eczema can make the skin dry, scaly, and itchy. The skin may also become sore due to itching, worsening the symptoms.

Red rashes: The inflamed skin may become swollen and develop rashes. These may look red on lighter skin and brown, purple, or gray on darker skin.

Fluid-filled bumps: The rashes may be filled with fluid and bleed when scratched, making them prone to infection. In some cases, they may crust and start to scale.

Causes and triggers
The precise cause of atopic dermatitis is not known, however, if a parent has the condition, one is more likely to develop it. Further, the following factors can trigger an eczema flare-up:

Allergies: Allergic reactions to certain foods, pets, dust, or pollen can trigger an eczema flare

Environmental factors: People living in cold places or polluted areas may have an increased risk of developing skin issues. Exposure to excessive heat or sweating can also cause atopic dermatitis.

Hot showers: Long, hot shower baths can make the skin dry and trigger atopic dermatitis flare-ups.

Strong soaps or perfumes: Exposure to skin irritants such as those found in strong soaps, detergents, and perfumes can trigger a flare-up.

Stress: People with excessive stress have an increased chance of getting atopic dermatitis.

Management options
In addition to prescriptions to relieve discomfort, atopic dermatitis symptoms can be managed by taking good care of the skin. Some of the remedies one can try are:

Moisturizing the skin: One should incorporate moisturizer into their daily skincare regimen. It is the easiest way to hydrate the skin and protect it from allergens and irritants.

Using a humidifier: Atopic dermatitis can worsen if the surrounding environment is too dry. A humidifier can help relieve dry skin by adding moisture to the air.

Taking oatmeal baths: Taking an oatmeal bath for at least 10 minutes can help lock in moisture and soothe inflamed itchy skin.

Wearing comfortable clothing: Loose-fitted clothes will not rub against the skin, preventing irritation. Wearing loose cotton clothing will also keep one from sweating.

Choosing anti-inflammatory foods: Nutrient-rich anti-inflammatory foods can help with atopic dermatitis management. This includes bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, apples, spinach, broccoli, yogurt, tempeh, kefir, and fatty fish.

Managing stress: Stress is a common trigger for eczema. So, one should practice yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to help manage stress and lower the risk of a flare-up.

While atopic dermatitis cannot be prevented altogether, the severity and frequency of flare-ups can be lowered by avoiding triggers, undergoing treatment, and ensuring appropriate skincare.

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