8 eye care tips for improved vision health

8 eye care tips for improved vision health

Maria Jackson

The eyes are a vital part of our body; however, the organ is susceptible to damage due to factors like genetics, diseases, age, the environment, and injuries. Such triggers could lead to complications like loss of vision. Experts usually suggest treatment options based on the reason for the condition. At the same time, they may also recommend eye care tips to improve vision health. Here are eight such tips to keep one’s eyes healthy.

Eat healthy and balanced meals
One of the best tips to manage eye health is to eat healthy, balanced meals. One’s food regime should include fruits and vegetables, especially deep yellow and green leafy options. Moreover, one should eat fish like salmon, halibut, and tuna as these are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which could help improve eye health. It is also essential to drink plenty of water so that the body stays hydrated. This ensures the eyes stay moist and free from potential complications.

Wear sunglasses
Environmental factors like exposure to UV rays from the sun could also result in vision problems, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Wearing sunglasses could help block out most of the UV-A and UV-B radiation, which could improve vision health. Moreover, wearing protective eyewear while playing sports or working in construction could help prevent injuries.

Exercise regularly
Another tip for eye care is to follow a regular exercise routine. Physical activity could help prevent or control health complications like diabetes, which may otherwise lead to problems with one’s vision.

Rest the eyes
An individual’s habits also play a crucial role in maintaining eye health. Those who spend hours using a computer usually forget to blink their eyes, which could tire the organ and lead to strain. As a workaround, one must try the 20-20-20 rule, which implies that one must look away for about 20 feet in front of them for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes, to reduce the strain on their eyes.

Wash hands regularly
People often touch their eyes or the area around the region several times a day. However, doing so may result in the transfer of dirt and bacteria to the eyes and trigger infections. Therefore, it is important to wash hands regularly to keep them clean and prevent such health complications.

Get enough sleep
Getting adequate sleep ensures that all organs are well-rested, including the eyes. Therefore, one should ensure to get at least eight hours of rest so that the eyes are energized for the entire day.

Maintain healthy pounds
Those who put on additional pounds are at a greater risk of developing diabetes, which could result in glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy. Excessive gain in pounds may also lead to high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Therefore, one needs to maintain healthy body mass to improve eye health.

Seek expert opinions
One of the best ways to care for the eyes is to seek the opinion of an expert. Setting regular appointments with a healthcare expert could help determine if one is at risk of underlying health conditions associated with the eyes. The expert may also recommend certain prescription products that one could use to ease the strain on the eyes or fight infections. For example, an eye doctor may recommend eye drops for people with dry eyes.

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