7 popular manufacturing jobs that pay well Jobs and Education

7 popular manufacturing jobs that pay well

The manufacturing industry plays a critical role in any economy, producing a diverse range of goods and creating numerous job opportunities. Due to its constantly evolving nature, there is a constant demand for skilled professionals at various levels. While some manufacturing jobs require specific qualifications and experience, most provide on-the-job training. This article lists some of the commonly sought-after roles offered by manufacturing companies worldwide. Read on to learn more.

Manufacturing engineer
Manufacturing engineers collaborate with other departments in the manufacturing company to find and fix any disruptions in the production process. Their job is to make all the processes more efficient to give the business better output. In addition, manufacturing engineers develop tactics to ensure the best use of all resources. So factories can run more efficiently. They also help businesses make the best use of resources. Their average annual salary is around $95,000.

Machine operator
The job of machine operators requires them to be adept at using manufacturing devices for assembly lines and end-product transportation. In addition, they have to conduct checks and inspections to ensure all the machines are functioning properly. Machine operators must be skilled in installing, operating, and maintaining all the machinery. These tasks can be learned on the job without any prior training. The average yearly salary of machine operators is usually about $38,000.

Production worker
This is one of the popular entry-level manufacturing jobs. A production worker’s responsibilities include operating the assembly lines of the manufacturing process. They are the ones who are involved in the building of the output product. Furthermore, their responsibilities include inspecting and shipping the finished products. The average annual salary of a production worker is approximately $36,000.

Process technician
Process technicians have to monitor the manufacturing process. Consequently, their work also involves making improvements to these processes. They have to inspect and adjust machine parameters and check for malfunctions. Furthermore, their job involves monitoring the quality of finished products. Process technicians usually have to work on rotating schedules. Their annual average salary is approximately $62,000.

Quality control technician
Another common manufacturing job is that of the quality control technician. Their work is important since it involves inspecting and testing machinery and products. They have to ensure that the end products are defect-free and comply with quality standards before being shipped to consumers. Quality control technicians have to be skilled in using calipers, spectrometers, micrometers, and several tools and equipment for testing and inspection purposes. Their annual median salary is around $49,500.

Supply chain coordinator
The main responsibility of supply chain coordinators is the management of the materials required during the manufacturing process. They have to monitor the inventory and communicate with vendors consistently to ensure there is no lag in the manufacturing process due to a shortage of supplies. Supply chain coordinators usually need a degree in supply chain management or related domains. Their average annual salary is approximately $52,000.

Maintenance technician
The job of maintenance technicians is to ensure that all manufacturing machines and equipment work efficiently. They have to ensure that all safety measures are followed to avoid mishaps. Furthermore, they have to take preventive measures by inspecting and repairing all the machines on a regular basis. This work can be learned on the job and does not require prior training or qualification. The annual median salary of a maintenance technician is around $60,000.